Community Development District Adopted Budget FY 2025 Sandmine Road 1-2 3-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Series 2022 Debt Service Fund Series 2022 Amortization Schedule Series 2021 Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Amortization Schedule Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Series 2020 Debt Service Fund Series 2020 Amortization Schedule Capital Reserve Fund Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths 9Pr/To3jh0erc/ut2e4d AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5td CARsaesrveresynsfmoureewsnatsr d- Tax Roll $$ 3 6 8 , 4 -73 $$ 137839,,250908 $$ -- $$ 137839,,250908 $$ 3 6 8 ,4 -73 Total Revenues $ 368,473 $ 562,798 $ - $ 562,798 $ 368,473 Expenditures General & Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 12,000 $ FICA Expense 918 $ - $ 383 $ 383 $ 918 $ Engineering 12,000 $ 1,925 $ 2,450 $ 4,375 $ 12,000 $ Attorney 25,000 $ 10,277 $ 3,426 $ 13,703 $ 25,000 $ Annual Audit 7,000 $ - $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 7,000 $ Arbitrage Fees 1,350 $ 1,350 $ - $ 1,350 $ 1,350 $ Dissemination Fees 10,500 $ 7,875 $ 2,625 $ 10,500 $ 11,025 $ Assessment Administration 5,300 $ 5,300 $ - $ 5,300 $ 5,565 $ Trustee Fees 12,123 $ 12,122 $ - $ 12,122 $ 12,123 $ Management Fees 40,124 $ 30,093 $ 10,031 $ 40,124 $ 45,000 $ Information Technology 1,325 $ 994 $ 331 $ 1,325 $ 1,392 $ Website Maintenance 663 $ 497 $ 166 $ 663 $ 697 $ Telephone 300 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 300 $ Postage 1,000 $ 488 $ 223 $ 711 $ 1,000 $ Printing & Binding 200 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 200 $ Office Supplies 100 $ 2 $ 25 $ 27 $ 100 $ Insurance 6,695 $ 5,785 $ - $ 5,785 $ 6,363 $ Legal Advertising 5,000 $ 5 $ 1,049 $ 1,054 $ 5,000 $ Other Current Charges 1,000 $ 393 $ 236 $ 629 $ 1,000 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total Administrative 142,773 $ 77,282 $ 29,544 $ 106,826 $ 148,208 $ Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund 1 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths 9Pr/To3jh0erc/ut2e4d AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5td Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures Property Insurance 7,500 $ 2,415 $ - $ 2,415 $ 7,500 $ Field Management 15,000 $ 11,250 $ 3,750 $ 15,000 $ 15,750 $ Landscape Maintenance 102,700 $ 67,500 $ 24,750 $ 92,250 $ 102,700 $ Landscape Replacement 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ Electric 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ Water & Sewer 36,000 $ 3,021 $ 12,750 $ 15,771 $ 36,000 $ Fountain Maintenance 7,000 $ 4,100 $ 2,000 $ 6,100 $ 7,000 $ Irrigation Repairs 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ General Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 $ 775 $ 250 $ 1,025 $ 7,500 $ Wall Maintenance 10,000 $ 5,700 $ - $ 5,700 $ 10,000 $ Contingency 2,500 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 5,000 $ Subtotal Field Expenditures 200,700 $ 94,761 $ 52,250 $ 147,011 $ 211,450 $ Other Expenditures Capital Reserves - Transfer 25,000 $ - $ 308,961 $ 308,961 $ 8,815 $ Total Other Expenditures 25,000 $ - $ 308,961 $ 308,961 $ 8,815 $ Total Expenditures 368,473 $ 172,043 $ 390,755 $ 562,798 $ 368,473 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 390,755 $ (390,755) $ 0 $ - $ Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit (7%) Gross Per Unit Tax Roll Townhouse - 25' 272 $ 111,857.87 $ 411.24 $ 442.20 Single Family - 40' 245 $ 107,471.29 $ 438.66 $ 471.68 Single Family - 50' 272 $ 149,143.83 $ 548.32 $ 589.59 Total Tax Roll 789 368,473 $ Product FY2025 Gross Per Unit FY2024 Gross Per Unit Increase/ (Decrease) Townhouse - 25' 442.20 $ 442.20 $ - $ Single Family - 40' 471.68 $ 471.68 $ - $ Single Family - 50' 589.59 $ 589.59 $ - $ 2 Sandmine Road Community Development District General Fund Budget REVENUES: Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem assessment on all assessable property within the operating and maintenance expenditures during the fiscal year. District to fund all general EXPENDITURES: Administrative: SpCuehpra epyrteveairsr o 1pr9a F0ide, e Ftsol o eraidcah SStuapteurtvesis, oarl lfoowr st hfoe rt iemaech d eBvooatredd m toe mDibsterri ctto b ruescienievses $ a2n0d0 m peeer tminegest. i ng, not to exceed $4,800 FRIeCpAr eEsxepnetnss teh e Employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Supervisor checks. Engineering Tprheep aDriasttiroicnt 'fso re mngoinntehelry bwoiallr db me epertoinvgidsi, nrge vgieewne irnavlo iecnegsi,n eetec.r ing services to the District, e.g. attendance and Attorney fTohre m Doisnttrhiclyt' sm leeegtailn cgosu, pnrseepl awriallt iboen p arnodv irdeivnige wge onfe argarl eleegmael nsetsr,v riceesso ltuot itohnes D, eisttcr. ict, e.g. attendance and preparation AbTanhsnei sl tAruicdti its required by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records on an annual Arbitrage Fees TAhrbei tDraisgter iRcte bwaitlel Lcoianbtirlaitcyt owni tthh ea Snp eincdiaelp Aesnsdeesnsmt ceenrtt Bifoiendd .p ublic accountant to annually calculate the District’s Dissemination Fees rTehlea tDesi sttor iacdt disit iroenqaul irreepdo brty rtehqeu iSreecmuerinttys afonrd u Enxrcahteadn gbeo nCdo missmuiesss.i o n to comply with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) which Trustee Fees dTehpeo Dsiitsetdri cwt iwthi lal Tprauys atenen auta Ul fSe Besa nfokr, NS.eAr.i es 2020, 2021, and 2022 Special Assessment Revenue Bonds that are Management Fees Twhiteh D Giostvreircnt mreecnetivael sM Manaangaegmemenetn St,e Arvciccoeusn. ting and Administrative services as part of a Management Agreement 3 Sandmine Road Community Development District General Fund Budget mRIneafpoinrrmetesanetnaiontsnc e cT,o eescltehscn troreloolangtiyec dc otmo pthliea nDcies twriictht’ sF laocrcioduan Sttiantgu taensd a nindf oorthmeart ieolenc tsryosnteicm dsa, tDa irsetrqiucitr’se mweenbtssi.t e creation and CRmWheaepaibnprsettieetsenre naM1ntas8c it9enh,,t eueF npcloadosnartictsdee aas ,s dsSootacctiuaumtteeedsn. w tT uithphel msoeao dnssei,t rhovoriiscnteigsn agin nadcn lmdu dadeion mtsaiaitnieni n prgee ntrhfeoewr Dmailssat,n rwciceet b’sas switseee bsbssamicteke uncprtess,a, tesetedcc. uinr iatcyc oarndda nfciree wwiatlhl Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Printing & Binding ePtrcin. ting and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes Office Supplies Miscellaneous office supplies. Insurance The District’s general liability, public officials liability and property insurance coverages. Legal Advertising nTehwe sDpiasptreirc to fi sg erneeqruailr ceidrc utola taidovne. rtise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc in a OBathnekr cChuarrrgeenst aCnhda ragneys o ther miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions eTxhpee Dnsiset ruinctd eisr rtehqisu ciraetdeg toor yp afoyr a tnh ea nDnisutarli cfte. e to the Florida Department of Cemmerce for $175. This is the only Operations & Maintenance: Field Expenses: Property Insurance The District’s property insurance coverages. 4 Sandmine Road Community Development District General Fund Budget Field Management Represents the estimated costs of contracting services that provide onsite field management cpDohisnottnrrieac ctc taoslrlussc ,a hmn dao sne mitlaoanriildnss.g c aopf eu tailnitdy alackceo umntasi,n attetneanndc Be.o aSredr vmiceeest incagns ainndcl uredcee iovne saitned irnessppeocntido ontofs ,c pomrnotepreaetcrinttysg sfoo wrw ntihether iLRnaesnptdarelslcsaaetpinoetns M otahf ielna tneedsntsaicmnacpaete e md amteariinatle hnaasn bcee eonf ctohme pllaentdedsc. a ping within the common areas of the District after the Exclusive Landscaping $ 82,800.00 Toole's Tractor Services $ 8,100.00 Toole's Tractor Services - Additional Pond $ 1,800.00 Miscellaneous $ 10,000.00 $102,700.00 LRaenpdrescsaepnets R tehpel aecsetimmeantte d cost of replacing landscaping within the common areas of the District. Electric Represents current and estimated electric charges of common areas throughout the District. Water & Sewer RDeisptrreicste. n ts current and estimated costs for water and refuse services provided for common areas throughout the Fountain Maintenance R epresents the estimated costs of maintaining the fountains for the District. Irrigation Repairs Rweepllrse. sents the cost of maintaining and repairing the irrigation system. This includes the sprinklers, and irrigation GReenperreasle Rntesp aesirtsim &a Mteadi nctoesntas nfocer general repairs and maintenance of the District’s common areas. Contingency aRneyp rfieesledn ctas tfeugnodrsy .a llocated to expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that do not fit into 5 Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget Capital Reserve Fund Adopted Actual Projected Description FBYu2d0g2et4 T6h/3ro0u/2gh4 3 MNoexntths PT9rh/o3rjeo0cu/t2geh4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d CRaervreyn Fuoersward Surplus $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 308,961 Total Revenues $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 308,961 Expenses Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Financing Sources Transfer In/(Out) $ 25,000 $ - $ 308,961 $ 308,961 $ 8,815 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ 25,000 $ - $ 308,961 $ 308,961 $ 8,815 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 25,000 $ - $ 308,961 $ 308,961 $ 317,776 6 Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Fund Series 2020 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ICARnasetsrveerersynes Fsmutoeersnwtasr -d O Snu rR polluls (1) $$$ 13 36 13 ,,79 -1349 $$$ 13 361181,,,042893125 $$$ 3 ,7 --45 $$$ 13 36 1184,,,049898120 $$$ 13 46 397,,,070160790 Total Revenues $ 495,653 $ 510,807 $ 3,745 $ 514,552 $ 519,786 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -15 5/1/11 $$$ 111114000,,,055066066 $$$ 111114000,,,055066066 $$$ --- $$$ 111114000,,,055066066 $$$ 111004588,,,077022088 Total Expenditures $ 361,131 $ 361,131 $ - $ 361,131 $ 362,456 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/Out $ - $ (4,354) $ - $ (4,354) $ - Total Other Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (4,354) $ - $ (4,354) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 134,522 $ 145,322 $ 3,745 $ 149,067 $ 157,330 (1) Carryforward Surplus is net of Debt Service Reserve Funds Interest - 11/1 $ 106,825.00 Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit SSTiinnoggwlleen hFFaaommusiilleyy - -- 2 45500' '' 1992222 $$$ 11 825822,,,906857928 $$$ 11 ,,736225969...456245 $$$ 11 ,,747828446...345215 Total Tax Roll 306 $ 363,719 7 Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 6,045,000.00 $ - $ 108,728.13 $ 359,293.75 $ 05/01/25 6,045,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 108,728.13 $ - $ 11/01/25 5,900,000.00 $ - $ 106,825.00 $ 360,553.13 $ 05/01/26 5,900,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 106,825.00 $ - $ 11/01/26 5,750,000.00 $ - $ 104,481.25 $ 361,306.25 $ 05/01/27 5,750,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 104,481.25 $ - $ 11/01/27 5,595,000.00 $ - $ 102,059.38 $ 361,540.63 $ 05/01/28 5,595,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 102,059.38 $ - $ 11/01/28 5,435,000.00 $ - $ 99,559.38 $ 361,618.75 $ 05/01/29 5,435,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 99,559.38 $ - $ 11/01/29 5,270,000.00 $ - $ 96,981.25 $ 361,540.63 $ 05/01/30 5,270,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 96,981.25 $ - $ 11/01/30 5,100,000.00 $ - $ 94,325.00 $ 361,306.25 $ 05/01/31 5,100,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 94,325.00 $ - $ 11/01/31 4,925,000.00 $ - $ 91,153.13 $ 360,478.13 $ 05/01/32 4,925,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 91,153.13 $ - $ 11/01/32 4,745,000.00 $ - $ 87,890.63 $ 359,043.75 $ 05/01/33 4,745,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 87,890.63 $ - $ 11/01/33 4,555,000.00 $ - $ 84,446.88 $ 362,337.50 $ 05/01/34 4,555,000.00 $ 195,000.00 $ 84,446.88 $ - $ 11/01/34 4,360,000.00 $ - $ 80,912.50 $ 360,359.38 $ 05/01/35 4,360,000.00 $ 205,000.00 $ 80,912.50 $ - $ 11/01/35 4,155,000.00 $ - $ 77,196.88 $ 363,109.38 $ 05/01/36 4,155,000.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 77,196.88 $ - $ 11/01/36 3,945,000.00 $ - $ 73,390.63 $ 360,587.50 $ 05/01/37 3,945,000.00 $ 220,000.00 $ 73,390.63 $ - $ 11/01/37 3,725,000.00 $ - $ 69,403.13 $ 362,793.75 $ 05/01/38 3,725,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 69,403.13 $ - $ 11/01/38 3,500,000.00 $ - $ 65,325.00 $ 359,728.13 $ 05/01/39 3,500,000.00 $ 235,000.00 $ 65,325.00 $ - $ 11/01/39 3,265,000.00 $ - $ 61,065.63 $ 361,390.63 $ 05/01/40 3,265,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ 61,065.63 $ - $ 11/01/40 3,020,000.00 $ - $ 56,625.00 $ 362,690.63 $ 05/01/41 3,020,000.00 $ 255,000.00 $ 56,625.00 $ - $ 11/01/41 2,765,000.00 $ - $ 51,843.75 $ 363,468.75 $ 05/01/42 2,765,000.00 $ 265,000.00 $ 51,843.75 $ - $ 11/01/42 2,500,000.00 $ - $ 46,875.00 $ 363,718.75 $ 05/01/43 2,500,000.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 46,875.00 $ - $ 11/01/43 2,225,000.00 $ - $ 41,718.75 $ 363,593.75 $ 05/01/44 2,225,000.00 $ 285,000.00 $ 41,718.75 $ - $ 11/01/44 1,940,000.00 $ - $ 36,375.00 $ 363,093.75 $ 05/01/45 1,940,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 36,375.00 $ - $ 11/01/45 1,645,000.00 $ - $ 30,843.75 $ 362,218.75 $ 05/01/46 1,645,000.00 $ 305,000.00 $ 30,843.75 $ - $ 11/01/46 1,340,000.00 $ - $ 25,125.00 $ 360,968.75 $ 05/01/47 1,340,000.00 $ 315,000.00 $ 25,125.00 $ - $ 11/01/47 1,025,000.00 $ - $ 19,218.75 $ 359,343.75 $ 05/01/48 1,025,000.00 $ 330,000.00 $ 19,218.75 $ - $ 11/01/48 695,000.00 $ - $ 13,031.25 $ 362,250.00 $ 05/01/49 695,000.00 $ 340,000.00 $ 13,031.25 $ - $ 11/01/49 355,000.00 $ - $ 6,656.25 $ 359,687.50 $ 05/01/50 355,000.00 $ 355,000.00 $ 6,656.25 $ 361,656.25 $ 6,045,000.00 $ 3,910,050.12 $ 10,484,225.12 $ Sandmine Road Community Development District Series 2020 Special Assessment Bonds AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE 8 Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ICARnasetsrveerersynes Fsmutoeersnwtasr -d O Snu rR polluls (1) $$$ 34 01 59 ,,23 -6745 $$$ 34 021454,,,787681247 $$$ 4 ,9 --06 $$$ 34 02 1459,,,786682242 $$$ 34 12 899,,,120370140 Total Revenues $ 724,639 $ 745,363 $ 4,906 $ 750,268 $ 756,405 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -15 1/111//11 $$$ 111226068,,,023028000 $$$ 111226068,,,023028000 $$$ --- $$$ 111226068,,,023028000 $$$ 111226456,,,034088003 Total Expenditures $ 414,600 $ 414,600 $ - $ 414,600 $ 415,863 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/Out $ - $ (7,538) $ - $ (7,538) $ - Total Other Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (7,538) $ - $ (7,538) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 310,039 $ 323,225 $ 4,906 $ 328,131 $ 340,543 (1) Carryforward Surplus is net of Debt Service Reserve Funds Interest - 11/1 $ 124,482.50 Principal - 11/1 $ 170,000.00 Total $ 294,482.50 Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit SSTiinnoggwlleen hFFaaommusiilleyy - -- 2 45500' '' 11703257 $$$ 12 523279,,,534313022 $$$ 11 ,,736225969...599947 $$$ 11 ,,747828446...588158 Total Tax Roll 314 $ 419,274 9 Sandmine Road Community Development District Series 2021 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 7,180,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 126,380.00 $ 417,760.00 $ 05/01/25 7,015,000.00 $ - $ 124,482.50 $ 11/01/25 7,015,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 124,482.50 $ 418,965.00 $ 05/01/26 6,845,000.00 $ - $ 122,527.50 $ 11/01/26 6,845,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 122,527.50 $ 415,055.00 $ 05/01/27 6,675,000.00 $ - $ 120,572.50 $ 11/01/27 6,675,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 120,572.50 $ 416,145.00 $ 05/01/28 6,500,000.00 $ - $ 117,947.50 $ 11/01/28 6,500,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 117,947.50 $ 415,895.00 $ 05/01/29 6,320,000.00 $ - $ 115,247.50 $ 11/01/29 6,320,000.00 $ 185,000.00 $ 115,247.50 $ 415,495.00 $ 05/01/30 6,135,000.00 $ - $ 112,472.50 $ 11/01/30 6,135,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 112,472.50 $ 414,945.00 $ 05/01/31 5,945,000.00 $ - $ 109,622.50 $ 11/01/31 5,945,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 109,622.50 $ 419,245.00 $ 05/01/32 5,745,000.00 $ - $ 106,622.50 $ 11/01/32 5,745,000.00 $ 205,000.00 $ 106,622.50 $ 418,245.00 $ 05/01/33 5,540,000.00 $ - $ 103,240.00 $ 11/01/33 5,540,000.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 103,240.00 $ 416,480.00 $ 05/01/34 5,330,000.00 $ - $ 99,775.00 $ 11/01/34 5,330,000.00 $ 215,000.00 $ 99,775.00 $ 414,550.00 $ 05/01/35 5,115,000.00 $ - $ 96,227.50 $ 11/01/35 5,115,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 96,227.50 $ 417,455.00 $ 05/01/36 4,890,000.00 $ - $ 92,515.00 $ 11/01/36 4,890,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 92,515.00 $ 415,030.00 $ 05/01/37 4,660,000.00 $ - $ 88,720.00 $ 11/01/37 4,660,000.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 88,720.00 $ 417,440.00 $ 05/01/38 4,420,000.00 $ - $ 84,760.00 $ 11/01/38 4,420,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ 84,760.00 $ 414,520.00 $ 05/01/39 4,175,000.00 $ - $ 80,717.50 $ 11/01/39 4,175,000.00 $ 255,000.00 $ 80,717.50 $ 416,435.00 $ 05/01/40 3,920,000.00 $ - $ 76,510.00 $ 11/01/40 3,920,000.00 $ 265,000.00 $ 76,510.00 $ 418,020.00 $ 05/01/41 3,655,000.00 $ - $ 72,137.50 $ 11/01/41 3,655,000.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 72,137.50 $ 419,275.00 $ 05/01/42 3,380,000.00 $ - $ 67,600.00 $ 11/01/42 3,380,000.00 $ 280,000.00 $ 67,600.00 $ 415,200.00 $ 05/01/43 3,100,000.00 $ - $ 62,000.00 $ 11/01/43 3,100,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 62,000.00 $ 419,000.00 $ 05/01/44 2,805,000.00 $ - $ 56,100.00 $ 11/01/44 2,805,000.00 $ 305,000.00 $ 56,100.00 $ 417,200.00 $ 05/01/45 2,500,000.00 $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 11/01/45 2,500,000.00 $ 315,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 415,000.00 $ 05/01/46 2,185,000.00 $ - $ 43,700.00 $ 11/01/46 2,185,000.00 $ 330,000.00 $ 43,700.00 $ 417,400.00 $ 05/01/47 1,855,000.00 $ - $ 37,100.00 $ 11/01/47 1,855,000.00 $ 345,000.00 $ 37,100.00 $ 419,200.00 $ 05/01/48 1,510,000.00 $ - $ 30,200.00 $ 11/01/48 1,510,000.00 $ 355,000.00 $ 30,200.00 $ 415,400.00 $ 05/01/49 1,155,000.00 $ - $ 23,100.00 $ 11/01/49 1,155,000.00 $ 370,000.00 $ 23,100.00 $ 416,200.00 $ 05/01/50 785,000.00 $ - $ 15,700.00 $ 11/01/50 785,000.00 $ 385,000.00 $ 15,700.00 $ 416,400.00 $ 05/01/51 400,000.00 $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 11/01/51 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 416,000.00 $ 7,180,000.00 $ 4,874,397.50 $ 12,502,288.94 $ 10 Sandmine Road Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Fund Series 2022 Proposed Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYu2odp0gt2ee5td ICARnasetsrveerersynes Fsmutoeersnwtasr -d D Siurer cptlus (1) $$$ 11 19 16 ,,99 -1308 $$$ 11 19 46 6,,,484151015 $$$ 2 ,1 --38 $$$ 11 19 468,,,485155014 $$$ 11 29 194,,,190360580 Total Revenues $ 308,847 $ 317,677 $ 2,138 $ 319,816 $ 325,103 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -15 1/111//11 $$$ 377556,,,056036038 $$$ 377556,,,056036038 $$$ --- $$$ 377556,,,056036038 $$$ 477045,,,066066033 Total Expenditures $ 187,200 $ 187,200 $ - $ 187,200 $ 190,325 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/Out $ - $ (3,451) $ - $ (3,451) $ - Total Other Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (3,451) $ - $ (3,451) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 121,647 $ 127,027 $ 2,138 $ 129,165 $ 134,778 (1) Carryforward Surplus is net of Debt Service Reserve Funds Interest - 11/1 $ 74,662.50 Principal - 11/1 $ 40,000.00 Total $ 114,662.50 Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit SSTiinnoggwlleen hFFaaommusiilleyy - -- 2 45500' '' 447388 $$$ 567136,,,368689125 $$$ 11 ,,736225969...456378 $$$ 11 ,,747828446...345349 Total Tax Roll 169 $ 191,938 11 Sandmine Road Community Development District Series 2022 Special Assessment Bonds Area Three Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Total 11/01/24 2,605,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 75,662.50 $ 191,325.00 $ 05/01/25 2,565,000.00 $ - $ 74,662.50 $ 11/01/25 2,565,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 74,662.50 $ 189,325.00 $ 05/01/26 2,525,000.00 $ - $ 73,662.50 $ 11/01/26 2,525,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 73,662.50 $ 187,325.00 $ 05/01/27 2,485,000.00 $ - $ 72,662.50 $ 11/01/27 2,485,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 72,662.50 $ 190,325.00 $ 05/01/28 2,440,000.00 $ - $ 71,537.50 $ 11/01/28 2,440,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 71,537.50 $ 188,075.00 $ 05/01/29 2,395,000.00 $ - $ 70,412.50 $ 11/01/29 2,395,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 70,412.50 $ 190,825.00 $ 05/01/30 2,345,000.00 $ - $ 69,162.50 $ 11/01/30 2,345,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 69,162.50 $ 188,325.00 $ 05/01/31 2,295,000.00 $ - $ 67,725.00 $ 11/01/31 2,295,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 67,725.00 $ 190,450.00 $ 05/01/32 2,240,000.00 $ - $ 66,143.75 $ 11/01/32 2,240,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 66,143.75 $ 187,287.50 $ 05/01/33 2,185,000.00 $ - $ 64,562.50 $ 11/01/33 2,185,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 64,562.50 $ 189,125.00 $ 05/01/34 2,125,000.00 $ - $ 62,837.50 $ 11/01/34 2,125,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 62,837.50 $ 190,675.00 $ 05/01/35 2,060,000.00 $ - $ 60,968.75 $ 11/01/35 2,060,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 60,968.75 $ 191,937.50 $ 05/01/36 1,990,000.00 $ - $ 58,956.25 $ 11/01/36 1,990,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 58,956.25 $ 187,912.50 $ 05/01/37 1,920,000.00 $ - $ 56,943.75 $ 11/01/37 1,920,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 56,943.75 $ 188,887.50 $ 05/01/38 1,845,000.00 $ - $ 54,787.50 $ 11/01/38 1,845,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 54,787.50 $ 189,575.00 $ 05/01/39 1,765,000.00 $ - $ 52,487.50 $ 11/01/39 1,765,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 52,487.50 $ 189,975.00 $ 05/01/40 1,680,000.00 $ - $ 50,043.75 $ 11/01/40 1,680,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 50,043.75 $ 190,087.50 $ 05/01/41 1,590,000.00 $ - $ 47,456.25 $ 11/01/41 1,590,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 47,456.25 $ 189,912.50 $ 05/01/42 1,395,000.00 $ - $ 44,725.00 $ 11/01/42 1,395,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 44,725.00 $ 189,450.00 $ 05/01/43 1,395,000.00 $ - $ 41,850.00 $ 11/01/43 1,395,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 41,850.00 $ 188,700.00 $ 05/01/44 1,290,000.00 $ - $ 38,700.00 $ 11/01/44 1,290,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 38,700.00 $ 187,400.00 $ 05/01/45 1,180,000.00 $ - $ 35,400.00 $ 11/01/45 1,180,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 35,400.00 $ 190,800.00 $ 05/01/46 1,060,000.00 $ - $ 31,800.00 $ 11/01/46 1,060,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 31,800.00 $ 188,600.00 $ 05/01/47 935,000.00 $ - $ 28,050.00 $ 11/01/47 935,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 28,050.00 $ 191,100.00 $ 05/01/48 800,000.00 $ - $ 24,000.00 $ 11/01/48 800,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 188,000.00 $ 05/01/49 660,000.00 $ - $ 19,800.00 $ 11/01/49 660,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 19,800.00 $ 189,600.00 $ 05/01/50 510,000.00 $ - $ 15,300.00 $ 11/01/50 510,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 15,300.00 $ 190,600.00 $ 05/01/51 350,000.00 $ - $ 10,500.00 $ 11/01/51 350,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 191,000.00 $ 05/01/52 180,000.00 $ - $ 5,400.00 $ 11/01/52 180,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 190,800.00 $ 2,605,000.00 $ 3,047,601.04 $ 5,687,601.04 $ 12